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Student Conduct Policy

Holy Apostles College and Seminary has adopted a Student Code of Academic Conduct Policy to protect the rights of students, faculty, and staff at Holy Apostles. This code ensures that the learning community at Holy Apostles is one characterized by mutual respect, civility and good citizenship.

All Holy Apostles’ students, both residential and online, as members of the academic community, are expected to accept and adhere to these high standards of personal conduct.

Students shall:

  • Treat all members of the academic community with courtesy, respect and dignity.
  • Comply with directions of College and Seminary officials acting in the performance of their duties.
  • Treat the campus itself with respect, including buildings, grounds and furnishings.
  • Respect the rights and property of other members of the academic community.
  • Fulfill their obligations through honest and independent effort and integrity in academic and personal conduct.
  • Accept responsibility for and the consequences of their actions and encourage responsible conduct in others.
  • Respect the prohibition of possession, consumption, distribution and provision of alcohol on campus and the illegal possession, use, distribution and provision of controlled substances.
  • Abide by all published policies including but not limited to those that appear in Holy Apostles’ Catalog and Student/Seminarian Handbooks.
  • Refrain from any contact with firearms on campus and from tampering with fire safety equipment in campus buildings.
  • Have no firearms, weapons or any other item designed to inflict harm or damage on campus.

The Student Code of Academic Conduct, as well as the guidelines outlining the adjudication of conduct-related offenses provided below, applies to all Holy Apostles’ students and seminarians.